Squirrels & Acorns - 4 Hour Class


When we were at the park, the children noticed that acorns were on the ground and started collecting them.

Some of the children noticed that some of the acorns were broken. Keane said “It’s because people step on them”. Koen said “Squirrels eat them that’s why they are broken”. With that being said, the children were determined to find more acorns to feed the squirrels. We went around the community centre to look for more acorns.
When we had a bucket full of acorns, the children decided it would be enough for the squirrels to eat. Most of the class agreed that putting the bucket up on a tree is the safest and easiest way for the squirrels to have access to the acorns. We were deciding which tree to put the bucket on when Teacher Matt pointed out that there was a squirrel sleeping in one of the trees.

That made decision making easier for everyone. The children all agreed to put the bucket on the tree where the squirrel was sleeping. Teacher Matt climbed the tree and hung the bucket on one of the branches.

We left the bucket up on the tree, hoping that the squirrels eat the acorns.
The children were excited to check the bucket and see whether the squirrels ate the acorns or not.


Teacher Emmett took the bucket from the tree. We saw water inside the bucket. Elliot said         “That’s rain water inside. Koen replied with “That’s squirrel saliva.”
Then, the children discussed if the squirrels ate the acorns or not. Some children said it was too hard for the squirrel to reach. Jayden said “Maybe the squirrel was not hungry”. After all the exchanges of ideas, most of the children agreed to change the location of the bucket. They wanted it higher so the squirrels can easily find them. Teacher Emmett moved the bucket to a higher spot.
I am looking forward to how this exploration and discovery will unfold. Will the squirrels eat the acorns? Will the children think of other ideas to help feed the squirrels? Will this lead to another interest? Lots of questions still to be answered!
Until next time,
