Our First Big Buddy Visit – 4 Year Old Class

One of the very favourite activities we have at our Preschool, is our Big / Little Buddy Program. We had our first visit by the Big Buddies recently, and the day could not have been more enjoyable.

It was so lovely to see the Big Buddies drop down to the level of the preschoolers, lower their voices and give the preschoolers their undivided attention. They seemed to become innately nurturing, and the preschoolers (Little Buddies) responded accordingly.

The children working on Friendship Drawings. The Big Buddies drew a picture in pastel for their Little Buddies, and vice versa:

The classroom was quiet and peaceful as each child was happily engaged with their buddies and the various activities put out for them to enjoy together:


Teacher Jamie brought his guitar, and all the children, big and small, joined in happily singing some old-time favourites:

The children enjoyed having someone available to push them freely on the swing:

We look forward to seeing our Big Buddies again in December!

