Fine Arts / Science & Nature - M/W/F AM Class

Welcome to MWF Fine Arts / Science & Nature class! We have all adjusted quite quickly to our classroom routine and environment. We are ready to play, observe, and learn. We are getting to know each other and forming friendships.
As autumn arrived, we noticed many changes to our weather. Our children noticed that the weather has become cooler than when we first started school. We also noticed that the trees have been changing on our drive to and from school.

To observe our environment, we went for a walk around the community centre. We discovered that many leaves have fallen to the ground - some fresh and some dry. There were many more colours of  leaves other than green, red, orange, yellow, and brown.
We collected leaves for further observation in the classroom. The children were inspired by the leaves and we painted our impressions of leaves on trees. Some children painted leaves on the tree and some children painted leaves on the ground. Other children noticed the leaves being blown by the wind. Each painting was unique to their own view and experience.

We have also been very busy learning in the classroom. Here are some of the other activities happening in class:

Experimenting with Baking Soda and Vinegar

Collaborative Artwork

 Working on sensory play.

Felt Board Social Story Play

Reading at the book corner

As we come upon our harvest season, we have been talking about apples and pumpkins. We will be updating you soon about our Pumpkin Patch field trip.

Karen, Michelle, and Matt