The tiny hands of two year olds

The more time that I spend involved in the “Time for Two’s” program at West Richmond, the more I realize how incredibly interesting this age group is!

Even though they are such tiny little beings, they are already beginning to explore and enjoy the experiences around them in so many amazing ways!
When we come together each afternoon, I am excited to see their “tiny hands” engaged in many types of activities afforded them.  Some of them always gravitate towards the types of tactile opportunities that allow them to dig and splash, or pour and push different types of materials in a sensory situation.  Other children seem to always speed towards the art activities, where they can paint, draw, dip or dab with different materials set out each day.

Many children seem mesmerized by materials that encourage building or grasping pieces of puzzles or materials that can be moved in various directions, encouraging their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination effectively.
Reading interesting materials also challenges the children to look as well as listen.  Eating their provided snacks also seems to encourage them to participate in rituals that require hand washing, opening and closing containers, eating independently and closing up their chosen food.

Circle time also creates an opportunity for the children to expand their listening, observation and singing skills, as well as increasing their ability to take turns and share materials that are provided to expand their learning.
Each of these daily experiences help the children to discover and develop their own abilities, even at such a young age.                                      

We are very excited to see your children growing and learning in the “Time for Two’s” environment.  Looking forward to many more fun days ahead!

Teacher Lori Moore


The many ways we can paint

Hello families, I am very pleased to say that we are all getting settled into our class time together.  It has been a pretty smooth transition.  I would like to thank all the families for their support and patience while we get to know your child.  It is so important to make the transition a positive time.

We have noticed the children this year enjoy painting.  With that said, we will be using different materials and tools to paint and create art.  Last week, we used shaving cream mixed with paint to create our leaves.  The texture of the paint really attracted the attention of the children.  They liked to blend the colours and some even enjoyed feeling the paint with their hands.  Another week, we used potato stamps to manipulate paint without any brushes.  At first, the children used the potato stamps like a brush and made strokes with it.  Once they observed a teacher stamping with the potatoes, they followed and noticed that it left prints.  It did not take long for the children to create some pretty amazing art.  This week will be working with water colour paints and fusing paper to create an orchard of apples.  I wonder what colour apples the children will create?

The creativity and curiosity of the children never ceases to amaze me.  It truly makes teaching young children so gratifying. 

Until next time,


Positive Parallel Play

The “Time for Twos” program is usually a child’s first chance to be part of a collaborative learning environment, away from their family.

Therefore, we as educators try to make these moments together engaging and filled with new creative experiences that will capture the attention of the young children in our care.

It has been wonderful to already see the boys and girls settling into a fun-filled routine where they are able to interact with each other as they play “side by side” within the many parallel play situations provided to them.

In each class we are attempting to challenge them with experiences such as sensory play, art opportunities, literary challenges, musical moments and large motor movement play.

We are looking forward to seeing lots of growth and development among these young children as we all explore and learn together!


Teacher Lori Moore


Fun in Time For Twos

Now that we've hit the 2 month mark the Twos have really started to settle into our program.  Every day they make new discoveries and overcome challenges and I truly enjoy seeing their growth. Sometimes it's as simple as being handed a toy and being invited to 'bake' in their kitchen.  Our class loves exploring the new activity areas we create for them each week.  My favorite area of the room is the sensory section.

Each week we bring out various touch stations and let everyone explore.  Recently we added water to the mix.
It was exciting to see the initial hesitation turn into pure delight as each child explored the water in their own way.

Another awesome part of being 2 months in is the routines that have developed.  Once all of our class has arrived we have formed a routine of morning circle.  We use this time to greet everyone and sing a few songs.  A fan favorite is "Icky Sticky Bubblegum."  It's a wonderful song that uses our imagination in every part of the song.

After a morning spent exploring our classroom I personally enjoy finding ways to run around and expel some extra energy.  My favorite way to do this is to take the class outside whenever the weather allows for it.  The twos really enjoy the 'blue park' as we call it.  They love the slide, after we dry it off, the swings and the teeter totter. The routine of lining up and heading back upstairs is becoming second nature to them.

It's wonderful to see their growth in everything that we do each and every Tuesday and Thursday.

Until next time,



October in our Time For Two's Program

It’s already October. Our children are getting adjusted to our classroom. I see that our children are getting very engaged in toys, books, and art. We would like to show you our routines and what we have been doing in the classroom.

We are having fun while learning during free play. We noticed the children are beginning to share and take turns. I noticed our children are enjoying music. They love to move and dance.


We enjoyed doing circle and singing our songs. One of the songs is B-I-N-G-O.


We have been doing art for Thanksgiving. We glued eyes and feathers on our turkeys.

Children are learning how to wash their hands and sitting at snack table with all their friends.

We started to go down to the gym for gross motor activities. Children are enjoying holding and exploring all types of balls. We are throwing the balls up in the sky, passing the balls, and bouncing them.


Until next time,



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