A Puddle!


On a recent outdoor day I was completely surprised by Hans curiosity when he discovered a puddle. During the 30 minutes we were outside Hans continued to play by the puddle. When he jumped into the puddle, was it the ripples in the water that attracted him or was it the sound of the water splashing?  At times Hans was planning on making the puddle go away by kicking the water out of the puddle.

I find this to be interesting because inside the classroom Hans does not like getting his hands wet or messy yet here we are outdoor and he is not bothered about getting his hands and maybe his feet wet.

Playing in puddles is a great sensory learning and physical experience for children to learn concepts of floating, sinking, and measuring depth and width. And not to forget the physical workout children receive form playing in something as simple as a puddle!

Hans dropping a stone into the water, watching the ripples the water is making 

Hans dropping a stone into the water, watching the ripples the water is making 

Another friend runs into the puddle while Hans watches. Is he watching to copy his classmate or is he wondering where will the puddle go?   

Back in the classroom we walk on a large piece of brown paper to see our footprints.

Until the next post.
