Paper Towel Rainbow - 4 Year Old Class

In class we put coloured water into three mason jars, and added the primary colours, red, blue and yellow.

We then placed the jars in a circle with three empty jars in-between, and had paper towel rolling from one jar to the next. The children were very interested in this science experiment and what the outcome would be.

The process took a few days, but the children were able to see the colours absorb into the towels, creating green, orange and purple.


We followed up with an interactive activity allowing children to mix the primary colours using vinegar with food colouring, droppers, and trays filled with baking soda.

The activity was much enjoyed by the children, and the effect quite beautiful.

Some comments:

Matias – It looks like it's steaming!

Kaius – It's bubbling!

Lucas – It's like a colourful volcano!

Alara – It's like cooking with ginger!

Until next time :)