The children in our 4-year-old class were provided with multicoloured permanent markers, and blocks of various shapes for tracing. They were encouraged to create either an abstract design or a specific drawing of their choice.

When the drawings were complete, glue and tissue were then provided as an additional element to the drawings. The children tore small pieces of tissue and glued diligently. The effect was quite beautiful and a number of children spent a very long while on their creations.

There's no better way to brighten up the Preschool than with children's artwork!

Daniela traced almost every shape available on the table (a challenging task) and then chose to fill the shapes in with coloured tissue...


Christy thoroughly enjoyed the process and was very proud of the outcome...

Ethan chose to brighten up his rainbow by tearing tissue into small pieces...


Jun chose to put shapes side by side each other...


Somewhere along the line, Jun's creation became a rocket ship. The flames shooting out the bottom are a magnificent finish...


A detailed and happy drawing by Sofie, who spends much time drawing people...



"I found my name!"... 



Taylor chose to brighten up her art-piece with large squares of tissue...

A colourful finish!...

