October "Apple Tasting" (FAS Tues/Thurs Class)

On Tuesday, October 4 the children participated in an “Apple Tasting" Adventure!

Each child was given the opportunity to taste three colours of apples:  green, red and yellow.  After consuming each colour, they were asked to choose their favorite one and write their name on an “apple” in the colour they chose as the best.

This experience was exciting because it used many of their senses.  They got to see, taste, touch, think, choose, colour and then extend this experience through dramatic play.  They engaged socially in an apple stand, which included many apples in all three colours, baskets for sorting and shopping, and cash registers to pay for their desired purchases.

Since Fall is a time of year that is filled with the opportunity to consume many harvested vegetables and fruit, it was very fun to participate in this kind of play…and see which colour was the most popular!!!

Until next time.