My Garden

Spring is here!

During playtime the children were able to create their garden using different shapes of felt on the felt board.

At circle, we read the book My Garden by Kevin Henkes. In this book, the girl grows chocolate rabbits, seashells, jellybean bushes and strawberries that glow. That is not your ordinary garden!

After the story, I asked the children “ What would you grow in your garden?” They responded through drawings.

Boaz - blueberry


Keira: flower
Ruka: flower
Jeffrey: watermelon
Chantel: flowers, ice cream, blueberry and strawberry
Claire: ice cream
Sarah: sunflower
Benjamin: cheese and apples
Chloe F: watermelon

Just like in the story, some children used their imagination in what they wanted to grow in their garden. Anything can be grown! They were also able to enhance their artistic abilities in drawing their pictures.

 Until next time,

