Hello everyone we are looking forward to an exciting year with our returning and new families. We began our morning circle talking about friends. Here are some of the children’s answers from our 4 year old class that we would like to share with you.


Taya: Butterflies have friends they have butterfly friends.
Lily: Friends are people.
Aleah: I like friends, I like playing with Lily.
Ava: I like the boy Matthew, he is my friend cause I need him.
Mia: Lily is my friend.
Chelsea: My mom and sister are my friends.
Chloe: Aldera is my best friend, he gives me the most beautiful things like chocolate.   Tiffany: I play with my mom and dad.
Cade: I play with my brother and Jess and Barbi at school.
Anthony: Jess is my friend. I like playing with Aleah and Cade.
Ryleigh: Lily plays with me, we play groceries and cars sometimes. I play with Cade. 
Matthew: My friend is my mom and my dog named Oreo.  

During freeplay we watched friendship and teamwork develop as children rolled balls down the track they had built together.

Instead of playdough, we decided to use space mud. As most children are use to playdough, this was a new and fun experience for many.     

Cade, Kai, and Lily are having a discussion about what space mud is and how it feels.   

“A sandwich” by Ava
“A ball” by Mia
Jess and Barbi

