Paulik Park: A Bonding Day
March 8, 2014, 07:31 AMOur team discussed ways to make the trip go a bit deeper, perhaps setting out with an intention. Many ideas were tossed around and then Bonnie came up with a great idea. She took photos of park elements to create a sort of "scavenger hunt". Children would be put into pairs and tasked to find the 'real' item. We thought this would support learning around the idea of 'looking closely' as well as create new friendships.
The teams sat together on the bus and it was a really great choice. The bonding started immediately and teams were secure before the game even commenced. The teams were as follows and upon looking at their photos, this is what they said they were looking for:
Emma & Matias: a birdhouse
Kahlen & Koltyn: flowers
Joban & Makena: bench
Connor & Miele: a tangly tree
Kensie & Grace: golf thingy
Rhys & Addie: pokey plants
Jack & Sebastian: bird nest
Rhyan & Jordyn: cut down tree
We walked amongst the trails together trying to find our picture clues. This activity proved to be mostly successful but not entirely. Sometimes they were very attentive, other times they seemed disinterested and just wanted to do their own thing. I wonder if we had divided into smaller groups if the focus might have been different. Or perhaps we should have played freely first and then tried to focus on the game. I think it is important to reflect on our programming and come to terms with the fact that not all our plans work out as we hope.
There were so many wonderful comments and conversation made throughout the day. I will try to share a few snippets of them.
They discovered some logs piled up and then Rhyan shouted "We found a beaver dam!" to which Addie exclaimed proudly "We are making a beaver dam!" I love this connection to our last inquiry!
And then a new idea about the logs–
Jack: It's kinda like camping.
Emma: I've been camping before.
Miele: Me too.
Sebastian: I went camping in a motor home.
Emma: I was a little scared of the dark.
Miele: I love dark.
Connor looked up and saw a shoe, dangling by its lace, from a tall branch.
The shoe instigated the following comments:
Connor: Someone died.
Makena: A shoe, a shoe ( telling everyone)
Rhys: Or maybe somebody got burnt by a fire and jumped up there.
Emma found a piece from a pair of sunglasses. She commented on it catching the light. |
Children made music on the tree- did this connect to our music making at snack the other day? |
Sebastian said "This is like rosemary."- how cool! |
Makena cleverly connected this orange painted leaf to an orange painted X we saw last time we came. |
The X. She ran over to show us the link between the two. |
Loving the mud. Quite slippery one might say… slippery enough for two children to fall in! |
We found a "fairy house". Children made up a short story and Addie said that Jeanette made it. |
They spied these animals through a fence. They live in a backyard in the house next door. |
Two quotes that I loved–
Connor, upon getting off the bus, shouted out "THIS is nature!"
Kensie said, as soon as we sat down to have snack, "Where is Jeanette?" ( referring to the artist)
Fresh air, mud, connections… who could ask for any more on a Friday?