Rainbow Masterpiece - 4 Hour Class

We changed things at the art table today. No chairs and no individual art. Everyone was able to move and put color wherever they want.

At first everyone wanted to have his or her own white space to color. The children just stuck to their “own area”.
Lucas enjoyed using two eyedroppers simultaneously. He carefully watched as the two colors mixed on the paper towel. When he saw blue and green mixing, he said, “Looks like the earth”.

Keira tried Lucas’s method of using two eyedroppers but with different colors. She mixed the red and the blue. Keira said she was trying to make purple that is why she used the red and blue.
Sofia and Lucas helped each other make “rainbow earth”.
Other children came to the art table as well and helped color the paper towel. They were very determined to color everything and see no white.

It is each child’s small piece in this artwork that helped make the big picture. Piece by piece the children made this rainbow masterpiece.

Until next time,



