4 Year Old M/W/F Class – I Hear…I See…I Wonder…

We began one of our circle discussions with a question for the children, “What would you like to learn, wonder or hear about?” Here is what they said:
  • “Skateboarding, Soccer, Perches” (Connor)
  • “Bikes” (Taylor)
  • “Going outside to see if I left my toy” (Jun) 
  • “The Sun” (Jack)
  • “Rollerskating and Swimming” (Daniella)"Skating” (Noel)
  • “Ball” (Sofie)
  • “Scooter and Tricycle” (Masaki)
  • “Shoes” (Ashlan)
  • “When you put something under a pillow you can find it” (Tia)
  • “Soccer” (Kyle)

From my list I noticed quite a few of the children were interested in wheels, so at our next circle discussion we looked closely at a scooter and a pair of roller skates – as well as the wheels on a long board. The conversation brought up more questions and answers, which the children confidently discussed amongst themselves. One of the questions was “What makes this a scooter?” The conversation followed with “The scooter has a handle and a brake” and “I know how to ride a long board.”
Connor is showing his friends how to balance on a long board.

All of the children are pretending to balance on a long board
(as Connor demonstrated earlier).

Taylor is drawing a long board.  

Jack is drawing the wheels on a long board.
At the end of the week we decided to make a salad.

The children really enjoyed cutting and learning about the different vegetables that went into making our salad.
Some of the children were not so keen to eat the salad. We asked the children to try one piece of salad and most of them ended up eating it all.

Ashlan is trying a small piece of broccoli.

Ashlan finishes most of her salad.
She tried something new and liked it!

We end the morning with some outdoor time.
Daniela and Ashlan are enjoying climbing on the bars
 and looking at the fallen leaves.

Connor being helpful and folding pinnies!  
Self Portraits......

   By Daniela

 By Jack 

 By Ashlan 

By Masaki

      By Sofie 
Until next time!