Happy Chinese New Year

We always love celebrating Chinese New Year! The community is abuzz with the excitement of a new year in the Lunar calendar. Bonnie was tasked with organizing all the activities and she did a wonderful job! She set up lots of different stations for the children to explore.

Lantern making


Figures to act out stories

Chinese character writing

Food in dress-up area

One of my favourite stations was the "Build your own Lion Dance Head". Rather than offer them something already with a predicted artistic outcome, Bonnie put out materials to create a piece they could use in a lion dance. Boxes, tape, toilet paper rolls, cotton, markers, scissors and shiny red paper were placed on a table for the children to use as they needed.

Kahlen worked hard! She wanted pointy teeth!

The Lion Dance

 I overheard the following snippets of conversation at this station:

Miele: We needs lots of tape.
Kahlen: We needs lots and lots of tape. And fur.
Jack: It's like opening a present (referring to covering the box with red tissue paper)
Rhyan: Where are the horns? Do you need a tail?
Miele: We need a lot of fur. But not get the glue all furry.
Kahlen: I will cut triangles for teeth.

As the food was cooking I heard Jack say " It smells delish!" to which Emma replied "That's the noodles." Jack then said " Instead of delicious we say delish". He sported a huge grin when telling me this fact!

Response to the fried noodles with Chinese cabbage, carrots, bbq pork, soya sauce and garlic was positive.

Koltyn: Can I get more?
Joban: I like it (he even surprised himself!). Yummy! I like the yellow thing. (the noodle)
Sebastian: I like it. I like the cabbage.
Makena: I don't like it. Wait, I changed my mind. I do like it.
Jack: I like it. This kind of noodle is at the mall.
Rhys: I like it.
Rhyan: I like the noodles.
Jordyn: I like it. I like the pork.
Addie: I don't like pork. I like the noodles.
Kahlen: I like the pork.
Miele: I don't like it, I LOVE it! I'm eating the whole plate!
Emma: I love everything. I want more!

Bonnie told an engaging story about the animals in the calendar and I was amazed at how much information the children already knew. I like the idea of introducing them to new calendars; it opens up our thinking. What do they understand about time? What meaning does a day have? A week? A year? What do they need to understand about our calendar? Is this valuable for them and if so…how? I find myself always grappling with these concepts.

Other wonderful moments in our day…

Rhys is knitting!

Rhys was thrilled to use this big broom to sweep sand.

Makena joined in the sweeping fun.

Hard at work digging BIG holes!

Emma making 'moon cakes' for Chinese New Year.

Gung Hay Fat Choi! May we all have a prosperous and joyous year!

