Oil, Water & Food Colouring - 4 Year Old Class

The children experimented with oil, water, food colouring and pipettes this morning. They squeezed drops of coloured water into a layer of oil and were engaged for a very long while. This is a simple activity with an intriguing effect.

 Irena gently and carefully shook the tray back and forth, blending colours.

Roan watched a small drop rolling up and down the pipette.

Daniel said “The circle drop is getting bigger and darker. It's dark green and red and purple.”

Charlie seemed intrigued while watching water move up and down the pipette as he squeezes the bottom.

Lucas thoughtfully puts the strips of paper from a weaving activity in order, and then begins threading the strips through. A very time consuming activity.

While Lucas was having snack, Tiffany and Cara decide to take over where he left off. Lucas comes over to check out the progress.

Lucas, while looking at the completed activity said “Cool, the girls finished the whole thing.”

Another enjoyable and cooperative day in our Preschool Four-Year-Old Program.


Barbi :)




