First day of Preschool for the Three's Class (3 yr old class)
September 15, 2016, 09:30 AM
It was 9:00 a.m. and the door opened for the anticipating
crowd of children and caregivers. It's the first day of Preschool, everything
is new, the surroundings, the faces... Some children step back not wanting to
leave the security of their caregiver. Others step forward cautiously with one
hand clutching 'their' adult. While others walk in confidently with eyes wide,
full of wonder. Each child responds differently, but typically. There is always
a combination of excitement, apprehension and fear at the start of the school
As Preschool teachers for a number of years, we have seen
these reactions many times over. We are certain that with each passing class,
the children will become more comfortable and familiar with their surroundings.
They will feel more at ease when they begin to feel reassured that they are
safe, and that their caregiver always returns for them. In a few short weeks we
expect that most, if not all of the children will be settled in. They will be
used to the daily routine, and the varying personalities will be in full bloom.
We look forward to watching the leaps and bounds in growth
and development that each and every child will make this school year. Mostly we
look forward to the fun days ahead, to having the privilege of sharing the
enjoyment in the classroom, and to watching many new friendships nurture and
After just a few minutes, many of the children very quickly settle, and happily find an area of choice to play.