Fine Arts & Science Class - Celebrations of Friendship for Valentine's Day

For Valentine’s Day we focused on friendship with the children through various activities:
  • Circle Time
  • Book: A Big Guy Took My Ball
  • Delivering Valentine's Cards to Each Other
  • Heart Art
  • Party with Valentine’s Day Treats
In circle time Joanne and I did a short role play for the kids and we explored ways for friends to talk to each other. Afterwards the children shared what they thought it meant to be a good friend.

We asked: What do we do with friends?

  • We make cookies and cupcakes for Valentine’s Day! (Noa)
  • We say ‘I love you’. (Elisia)
  • You can eat with your friends (Kyle)
  • We love other people when they are our friends (William)
  • We play together! (Nicholas)
  • Friends don’t make somebody get hurt (Jaylen)
  • We bring them marbles to build stuff together (Caleb)

 We hold hands on our way to...
                                    a house for our play date!
 We make cookies and...

... we bring each other marbles to play together!

Our book’s message was that everyone needs and wants friends, no matter how big or small we are.

   We are sad when someone’s not a friend…

…and we’re happy when we get to play with friends!

Following the tradition of giving each other cards on this day, children prepared cards ahead of time, put them in the mailbox and later handed them out to their friends. The excitement during this activity was obvious and the children were very proud during their deliveries.


No Valentine’s Day is complete without some heart art, and the children worked as a team to decorate giant hearts that are displayed in our hallways now. Make sure to check them out!

 Last but certainly not least, we had a Valentine’s Day party with lots of yummy food and treats. Thank you to all the parents who came to join us for the fun!

And remember…

