Making Stuffing for Thanksgiving & Lanterns for our Upcoming Festival - 4 Year Old Class
October 13, 2016, 08:00 AMI began by talking a little about Thanksgiving in our
morning circle and some of the children spoke about what was on the snack
table, which we had set up as a cooking table. I then explained that we are
going to do some cooking today. Some of the children were excited to get
started and others not so much, I would guess the concern of some of the children was
if they had to eat it. I of course assured them, it was for them to share
with families for Thanksgiving dinner.
Ruka and Taylor are using scissors to cut up
Katlyin mixes the apples and celery together
and we get ready for cooking the mixture
adds cranberries to our stuffing mix.
The children comment on the yummy smell in
the Classroom
and are ready to taste the stuffing.
The children attach
their Thanksgiving message that was shared
during morning circle.