4 Hour Class - "How To" Guide #3: Cleaning Rocks

How To Clean Rocks

Step 1: Find a puddle

Take some time to search the playground.  Not all puddles are adequate.

These puddles, for example, are questionable.

This puddle is too muddy.

This puddle could work.

In the event that an adequate puddle cannot be found, one can easily be created.

Simply find a clean puddle and...

...push the water from that puddle into another one.

Step 2: Find some dirty rocks

If you are at the park, this shouldn't be difficult.
Most rocks are dirty.

Step 3: Wash the rocks

Put the rocks in the puddle. 

Use your hands...

...or your feet.
Thank you for reading the 4 Hour Class - "How To" Guide #3: Cleaning Rocks. We hope you have found it to be interesting and exciting - we sure did!

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