I See A Rainbow (4 Hour Class)
October 4, 2016, 08:00 AM
When we were done with all the colors, the
colors of the rainbow were brought to the art table. The children were provided
with red, orange, yellow, green and purple paint. They painted with some old
gift cards. The gift cards were used to spread paint on the paper.
Nathan only used
his favorite colors in making his own rainbow.
Adonis mixed a lot
of colors on one gift card so he could make a rainbow with one swipe of the
gift card on his paper.
Sofia made sure that the colors of her rainbow did not overlap with
each other.
Here are some of
our finished “rainbow” paintings.
Come check out our
bulletin board outside our classroom to see more pictures and paintings.
Until next time,
September - Fine Arts & Science T/Th class
September 30, 2016, 09:00 AMWe are so excited
that you have chosen to be a part of our class!
It was wonderful to meet each child and see how well they became comfortable in the environment of our classroom.
Please feel free to ask us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child or the program.
Patricia & Lori
It was wonderful to meet each child and see how well they became comfortable in the environment of our classroom.
For the month of
September we will spend time getting to know one another and allow the children
time to embrace the routine of their new learning environment. We will also explore colours and how they are
a part of our world.
Please remember that
we ask each child to bring water for their beverage, ideally in a resealable
bottle that we can refill if needed.
Healthy snacks such as fruit, vegetables, cheese & crackers, cereal
and/or yogurt are valuable choices to provide for your child.
Sending a jacket is
also encouraged as we will try to play outdoors each day of class.
It has been
amazing to see the children begin to interact with one another in a positive
way as they investigate and explore the different activities that have been
available to them.
We look forward to
many fun-filled learning experiences with each of your children!
Settling in to our 4 Year Class with Old and New Friends. (4 Yr Class)
September 26, 2016, 08:00 AM
children have settled into the classroom very well and are happy to see friends
from last year and are welcoming new friends.
Playing together in a small space, creates a sense of coziness and
helps in making connections with one another, children are able to listen to
each other and work together in a small space.
Inspirational Art
![]() |
My Friend and me by Arianna |
Diego creatively uses the wooden door, he says “It’s a boat going under
the bridge".
Charlie challenging himself, at finding a solution, to this new wooden
The children are enjoying selecting from our new classroom shelf giving
them opportunities to play with loose parts.
A perfect way to end the morning at preschool, outdoor time on the
I wonder if the children will notice the color of the leaves whilst on
the swings.
Until next time
Schools Back! (4 Hour Class)
September 22, 2016, 08:00 AMI hope everyone
had a wonderful and relaxing summer. It sure went by quickly and already, the
leaves have started to fall from their branches. The school year has begun and
we are so excited to welcome you to our 4 Hour Outdoor Class.
Unit next time, Deanna
Our team consists
of Patricia, Tegan, Emmett and I, Deanna and let me tell you, that we are very
excited for the upcoming year ahead of us. We will be discovering, learning,
creating and playing during our time together.
I would like to
take this opportunity to share with you our daily happenings when we are at school when your child is with us. We start off our day with free play while
all the children are settling in, then we have our morning circle which allows
us to connect with the children before we begin our day. It’s a time to share
what we will be doing, any announcements that we may have, and it also gives
the children an opportunity to share as well.
the children are off to free play and art. We have many activities set up for
the children during free play that allows them to use their creativity,
imagination and social skills. It encourages children to interact with one
another and help build their confidence. We also have art during this time
where the children have an opportunity to create and express themselves with
materials that we have set out for the day. Art engages children to develop
socially, emotionally, cognitively and physically. It helps with language as
well. We will be switching up art with cooking some days. We find that children
love to cook and it’s another opportunity to learn by having fun.
11:25, we will head outside for outdoor play and burn off some energy before
heading back for lunch. Outdoor play not only has physical benefits but it
develops language/vocabulary and communication skills as children learn to play
together and cooperate. We use the play area behind the community centre. We
will also visit different park areas in our community during the school year.
outdoor play, it is lunch time and the children have worked up an appetite.
It’s a great time to not only refuel but to socialize with our friends. If only
you could hear some of the conversations that go on during this time. After
lunch, we have our learning circle. This is the time we come together to
introduce concepts and ideas, to make connections, to actively participate
together, to listen to one another, and to build a sense of support for one
another. Then, it’s time to go home.
This month, we
are learning about ourselves, and our families. It’s a wonderful way to get to
know each other and it’s a topic that everyone has something to share about. We
will be making a family tree in the next few classes. I hope you will come and
have a look at it once we are finished.
I hope this gives
you a better idea on what your child’s day looks like at Merry King Preschool.
This schedule does change when we go out on our outdoor trips and our field
trips. We do have some upcoming trips planned, such as a trip to the library,
to meet our Grand Pals, to Garden City Park, and to the Pumpkin Patch. We will
be sending out more information soon.
Unit next time, Deanna
First day of Preschool for the Three's Class (3 yr old class)
September 15, 2016, 09:30 AM
It was 9:00 a.m. and the door opened for the anticipating
crowd of children and caregivers. It's the first day of Preschool, everything
is new, the surroundings, the faces... Some children step back not wanting to
leave the security of their caregiver. Others step forward cautiously with one
hand clutching 'their' adult. While others walk in confidently with eyes wide,
full of wonder. Each child responds differently, but typically. There is always
a combination of excitement, apprehension and fear at the start of the school
As Preschool teachers for a number of years, we have seen
these reactions many times over. We are certain that with each passing class,
the children will become more comfortable and familiar with their surroundings.
They will feel more at ease when they begin to feel reassured that they are
safe, and that their caregiver always returns for them. In a few short weeks we
expect that most, if not all of the children will be settled in. They will be
used to the daily routine, and the varying personalities will be in full bloom.
We look forward to watching the leaps and bounds in growth
and development that each and every child will make this school year. Mostly we
look forward to the fun days ahead, to having the privilege of sharing the
enjoyment in the classroom, and to watching many new friendships nurture and
After just a few minutes, many of the children very quickly settle, and happily find an area of choice to play.