Friendships and Fun Activities! - FAS M/W/F PM Class

It has been an amazing few weeks getting to know each other and already we are on our way to a great start.  The children are settling into their classroom and friendships have begun.  We are learning a little more about each other as we spend time together playing, creating art, and learning about ourselves.

During art, we have drawn our self-portraits.  We used mirrors to help us draw ourselves.  Our self -portraits will soon be up on our board out front.  We also created some leaf prints with potato stamps.  We discovered that less was more when using the paint.  Some of the children decided it was much better to actual use the potato as a paint brush rather than a stamp.  The beauty of art is how ones outcome is so different from the next person even if you set out the same materials for everyone.  An activity that showcases individuality is a great learning moment of acceptance and pride in one self.


Another activity that the children enjoyed recently was baking.  We discussed safety rules before we begun baking in the kitchen and then we talked about the ingredients we were using.  The children enjoyed the hands on part of the activity.  We touched on some counting and measuring and most importantly, learning to take turns and being patient.  We are looking forward to cooking more together soon. 

Until next time, Deanna


Friendships Form Through Free Play - FAS T/Th Class

Free play is a fundamental part of our preschool programs here at Merry King!

Each time we meet, the children are given the opportunity to engage in many interactive experiences, which they freely choose.  Being exposed to these situations naturally allows the children to enter into friendship-forming conversations and side-by-side play collaborations.

Even though our year has just begun, we are already seeing many friendships form within our class as we watch the children converse and create together as they explore and engage in the many learning opportunities provided for them.
We are looking forward to a wonderful year of growth and development each time that we all meet together!

Teacher Lori Moore


School has started ~ FAS M/W/F AM class

I am so very excited to welcome all the children and their families to a wonderful year of exploring, discovering and creating together. Already, we are getting to know each other as the days go by and we are excited to be on this journey together.

The children are getting settled and comfortable in their environment.  You can see this by the way they move from one activity to another, the expressions they have on their faces and the chatter that is happening in our classroom.
A little glimpse into our time together, starts off with open activities and then we have a quick sharing time.  This allows us to just come together to start our day and share anything we may have with one another.  A great opportunity to learn about taking turns speaking and learning to share our thoughts with one another. Then the children continue with open activities, art and snack time.  Before we head outdoors, we have a learning circle.  This is the time we will further enhance on the interests of the class.  At this time we are discussing “All About Me”, our feelings, and signs of Fall. Then we head off to discover the outdoors.

Here are Logan and Tiffany planning and building a large structure out of blocks.  You cannot tell by this picture but there was a very intricate plan on how they were going to construct this building.  Then we decided to take a picture of it.  You can tell they took pride in their work together. Through this activity, both children communicated with one another and had a vision together.  It was wonderful seeing them express their thoughts to one another.

This picture is two friends working together to build a very long roadway.  The longer the road got the more excited they became.  The pride they took in creating this highway system brought them to work together and to share their ideas.  This activity was an opportunity to build a relationship between the two children and for them to share, take turns, to communicate in a natural setting.  These are moments that the environment can also teach children.
During art, we were painting with potato stamps to create leaf prints. It was interesting how each child’s art piece looked so different due to the technique of how they used the materials.  It definitely confirms that each child is very unique.  Some children like to mix the colours up while some children are very careful not to.  Even the way they use the tools to create their art is as individual as they are.  At one point the art took a turn into finger painting and discovering what happens when you mix colours together. You just never know where an activity can take you.  I have learned through the children that the process is just as important as the end product because it often leads you to many discoveries.
Until next time, Deanna




A Wonderful Start - 3 Yr Old and 4 Yr Old classes

It has indeed been a wonderful start for the Three and Four-Year-Old Preschoolers this year. Each child seems comfortable entering the classroom and engaging themselves happily in play. The social interactions that happen during play are an absolute pleasure to witness.  Already, in such a short while, we can see many social, emotional, creative, cognitive and physical skills being gained.


A group of children in our Four-Year-Old class spent much time thinking, communicating and strategizing on how best to place ramps that would allow the wooden balls to roll down them. This activity was brought out on multiple days to allow the children to expand on their ideas.



Joseph discovered that putting a block at the end of the ramp would prevent the ball from rolling astray.


A First Nations Talking Stick was used at Circle Time with the Fours.


The premise of the Talking Stick is to allow the person holding the stick the opportunity to speak, while the others at Circle respectfully listen. We had a short Circle, going over some basic preschool guidelines, and the children also expressed their many thoughts and emotions in regard to being at Preschool. They ranged from liking playdough, enjoying the cars and puzzles, wanting to play with friends, enjoying snack, liking the puppets and the playground to... feeling sad about missing mom, being frightened of dragons and scary books, not liking ghosts and monsters, and feeling angry about not having a turn with a toy!

Matias seemed intrigued by the Talking Stick, and used his finger to feel the carving.

Outside, Joseph explained to Natalia that she has to jump high in order to reach the bar! She tried a few times, but alas... she's not quite there yet.  Another month or two and she'll no doubt make it!

Sandbox Play:



Both the 3's and 4's seemed to enjoy playing with a simple cardboard box (with holes poked in), and feathers, pipe cleaners and beads.


Photos were taken of the Fours backs with a sign posted “Look Who's Back”.  Roan, Charlie, Matius and Lucas found their own photos, along with most of their classmates.

It truly is a pleasure spending time with these preschoolers and we look forward to the many shared experiences ahead.





First week of Preschool - 3 Yr Old and 4 Yr Old Classes

I have had the pleasure of teaching preschool for many years, however each year I am thrilled and excited to meet new faces and see how much old faces have grown. I especially look forward to the individual personalities working together in the same space learning about one another and making connections, some life long friendships. 

The children have settled into the preschool very well and are enjoying the indoor and outdoor space. We have had the pleasure in our 4’s class to listen to many conversation among the children using a variety of words using descriptive language.  



Joseph feels the placemat and says “to change it to silver you have to stroke it.”



Cory holds the sequin mat for Jordan to discover.



After filling in the triangles Magus holds the tile tray up to the window to see the light shine through in the different colours.



Jordan proudly shows us a banana he
made after we read a story about a banana.



Magnus decides to play hide and seek,
here, he can be seen hiding his eyes
while he counts to ten.




Magnus knows after counting to ten its
time to go find his friends.



Ching Ching explores stirring with
the paint and her snack yogurt.



AJ is engaging in sensory play,
with the paints.


We used eye droppers to see how many drops to fill the circle. Natalia demonstrated her own creativity when she said “look I made a purple caterpillar.” 

Until next post
