Tent Day - 3 Year Old Class

The world can seem immense when you are a “small person”. Maybe that's part of the appeal of retreating somewhere small and cozy.

We recently removed our classroom chairs, and pulled out our box of sheets. Sheets were strewn over the tables, sectioning off various play areas and transforming our classroom.


Some children arrived with smiles when they first noticed the tents set up in our classroom. Others arrived looking a little more cautious. All seemed intrigued.

“Whoa, what happened?!” Scotia

It was a very enjoyable and quiet morning. The children happily explored each cozy haven. From dolls to books to manipulatives, there was something for everyone.

Open areas were left available for those not wishing to be under cover.

Going, going, going.... gone!


We look forward to our next tent day! Always so much FUN!



What's on the other side of the wall? - 4 Year Old Class

During our potluck I had noticed that some of the children that were in our class last year like Koen and Fraser were playing the “chasing game” in the gym along with some of the friends that are in our class this year Matias and Stephan. It was evident that they were very happy to see each other.

We decided we were going to reunite these friends in the new year by opening up the wall and combining the 4 hour class with our class. I told the children a week before the day the classes were coming together and some friends went home so excited like Matias. Others had a lot of questions as to how we were all going to fit in the space, will it be too loud and what would we all be doing?
  Karen opens the wall and the children walk into our classroom.
Lucas and Ariyen seemed to be enjoying playing with the toys in the 4 hour classroom,   

 Matias, Koen and Fraser are happy to be connected and begin to play with the magnetic animals, joking with one another. 

Charlie, Magnus and Roan are looking at ways to set up the ramps for the balls to roll down
Magnus has an idea, he attempts to stack up the cones so the ramp will balance.
This was the creativity of the 3 boys playing together.

 Some of the children from the 4 hour class noticed children having snack and decide
to join them having snack together.


We gathered the children on the carpet and decided to play a co-operative game where the children take a shoe off and we place them around the classroom. The children have to go find their shoe as well as help find friends shoes. When all the shoes were found, the children returned to the carpet.

It was time for the 4 hour class to go back to their room and we were heading outside.
We said goodbye and look forward to the next time we combine classes.

Until next time

Water Park - 4 Hour Class

When we went outside to play at our park today, it did not look like our usual park. But instead it was a water park. There was water everywhere.

The children got intrigued right away with all the water. Everyone was curious to see how deep the water was.
Dayna said “the water is too high, it will make my socks wet”. With that being said, she did not go in the water.

 On the other hand, Austin and Elliot went in the water to see how deep it was. Both were convinced that their boots and muddy buddy would keep them dry. Elliot said “the water is lower
than my boots”. 

Keane used a stick to measure the depth of the water. It was only the stick that was submerged in water because he did not want to get wet.
Chelsea measured how deep the water was by going in and using a stick. She was also interested in seeing whether the stick and leaves float or sink.

We definitely had a fun experience at our “water park” today. Some of the children even suggested that they bring their bathing suits next class. Playing at the park with all the water, gave the children the opportunity to practice their skills in measurement (depth of water), buoyancy (float or sink) and gross motor skills (walking in water).  I wonder what the park will look like the next time we go outside.

Until next time,


New Friendships Forming - FAS T/Th Class

Happy New Year Everyone!

Hopefully the holidays brought the opportunity to spend time with family and friends.  Here at preschool, the children seem to be enjoying the continued experience of exploring and learning alongside each other, as they did last year.
We are pleased to welcome new friends, Andrew and Tristan to our class, and have been grateful to see the boys and girls involve and include them in our program in many ways.  As an early childhood educator, it is always wonderful to watch the children assist one another in caring, compassionate ways.
However, it has also been interesting to see new friendships forming amongst some of the children who have already been attending preschool alongside each other since September.  Perhaps the combination of their personal growth and development has caused the changes in their social choices. 

It could also be attributed to the play opportunities they are seeking, which influences who they are choosing to collaborate with.  These preschool playmates could also be discovering common curiosities through their communication. 

Whatever the reason, we are excited to see the children expanding their social horizons so effectively!  Overall, it is great to see friendships flourish and expand because it is very valuable to see children’s social skills grow during these formative years.

As many of the boys and girls prepare to start kindergarten and register for this next step in their educational life, we realize some of our preschool patrons may attend elementary school together.  This opportunity may continue building on the friendship base developed here at West Richmond.

Thank you for the opportunity to spend time with your children, learning together.


Lori Moore

It started with a "Dot" - 4 Year Old Class

The children were given one piece of white construction paper, with a rectangular foam sheet glued on top, and... a “dot”.

“What are we supposed to draw?” multiple children

“Absolutely anything you feel like drawing.” teacher

We, the teachers, were curious to see how each child would respond to the concept.

Once the children started, each child's vision expanded. Some incorporated the dot into their drawings, while others ignored the dot completely.

“When I turn the paper around, you can see the orange, but the black disappears.” Charlie


“It looks like a whale, not a shark and its baby” Tiffany

“It's a dad spider and a baby spider.” Iris

“I did a smile through his eyes.” Magnus


Until next time :)

