Weekly Recap

Hello friends and families!

It’s finally the end of May, which means there is only one more month of school before summer vacation. I am hoping to see many of you in our summer program because we will be having some awesome out-trips! The temperature is consistently rising week by week. With that in mind, please make sure to pack a reusable water bottle and sunscreen for your child. It is very important for us to make sure they stay hydrated and safe from the sun.  I have already seen a couple red faces this week so if we can avoid any other sunburns from now on, that would be great!

Jumping back in time to last week, we had an in-day on Friday when our school district had a professional day. We had an interesting day planned out and had some good feedback. One of the challenges that day was we had a list of words nobody could say such as “can”, “I”, “me”, “what”, and 12 other words. It was interesting to see how they found ways to communicate with each other without using any of the words. Each child started with two clothespins and when someone caught another using any of the words, the offender would forfeit one of their pins. The point of the game was to see who could achieve the most pins. Another game we played as “life-sized Chupacabra”, which is an adaptation of a board game that we have at OSC. Children were given a die each and we split them into four different groups to battle it out.
I hope the weather continues to bring us sunshine and heat without any rain. Once again, please help us keep your children hydrated and protected by the harsh UV rays. Be sure to enjoy the amazing weather on the weekends!

Best wishes,
