Community Building

At OSC we strive to create a welcoming environment for all of our students. We know that it takes people to create a community. A couple weeks ago, we gathered all of our kids and worked together on an assignment. We were all given the same three questions to answer:

  1. What is a community?
  2. What is one community you belong to?
  3. What do you like about your community?

Each of the kids (and leaders) answered the questions on a blank sheet of paper. The answers we received were very unique and varied from individual to individual. Each reflected how that person saw their surroundings. Most kids noted that other people fill up their community.

They then had to decorate the back of their sheets. They could either decorate it to resemble a community that they belonged to, or in a pattern. We saw soccer and hockey teams, houses and forests, gardens and playgrounds. The next step was especially fun.

Each of the sheets were cut out by a leader, constructed into 3D houses, and mounted onto one of our bulletin boards with lights strung through it. When we turn the lights off in our room, we can see our community come to life. Even though we don’t get to see the messages that everyone wrote, we are still aware that each member has contributed to our OSC community. We each have values that we share. And we are all responsible for taking care of and growing our paper city, our program, and each other.

Until Next Time,
