Mad Libs with Tegan
20-03-2017, 10:35 AM
Recently at OSC all the kids were talking about how excited they are for spring break. They talked about all the adventures they were going to have, so I thought that I
would get their imaginations going with a game of Mad Libs. Mad Libs is a fill in the blank game where the children provided me with random words. We then fit these words into pre-made sentences. Below is the results!
Canada the mascot
is a rotten lady
bug then you totally messed up on the 18th day of school
in English.
Jennifer Lawrence accidentally poked herself with grapes and then the worlds best rubix-cuber messed up
by 89 days.
On Thursday, Michael Jackson danced and
the silliest music artist won 200 Grammy's.
One day Jutin Bieber went to USA to audition
for frozen.
He had 1 million callbacks but instead he just kicked his legs.
Kids comments on the activity.
"I really liked the activity but I don’t like the name
Mad Libs I think it should be called fill in the blanks."
"I thought the activity was fun and one of the best arts
but I agree the name should be changed."
I loved that I could bring something brand new to the table
and even with the kids having absolutely no idea what Mad Libs meant they were
willing to give it a try and were actually very clever at creating them. We had
a blast and hopefully can create more in the future.
Have an amazing Spring
break OSC families.