Baked Clay Creations!

Hey parents!

I hope you all had a lovely and relaxing summer. I can't believe fall is here already! With your kids' and your regular routines back in full swing, I hope it hadn't been too stressful for you all!

With the start of school in mind, I've decided to give the kids a chance to make some key chains to decorate their backpacks with. Baking clay has always been a hit with our senior kids and it's always fun to see what type of things they decide to make.

Here is a "very detailed airplane seat," courtesy of one of our more eccentric and creative kids

Here are some of our other fun creations

The kids and I all had a blast making these!

P.S. Parents! This is a great activity for you and your kids  to do when it’s rainy and gloomy outside!




Katie's D.I.Y. Thermometers

For Monday’s activity, I made D.I.Y. thermometers with the kids!  This was the first time I had made these so I was a little worried that they wouldn’t work.  We filled our plastic containers with ¼ water, ¼ rubbing alcohol and whatever food colouring we liked.  It was so cool to see the kids want to do this activity because we got to dress up like scientists.  They looked awesome with their goggles and gloves.  We helped each other finish the thermomer by having one person hold the straw while the other wrapped the air dry clay around the straw and the opening of the container.  Some of the kids found ways to make the mixture go up their straws without having the temperature change – which was pretty neat.  We took the demo thermometer and put it in the fridge for a bit; the moment we took it out the liquid started to go up the straw!  I really enjoyed doing this activity with the mini scientists and they seemed to enjoy it too.

Until next time,



Here We Go Again!

It is that time of year again, where the weather becomes gray, it is cold out and we have nothing to look forward to but rain in our forecast for the next 4 months…. well that is certainly depressing, but if there is anything that can cheer you up, it is the fact that the school year has started again and you no longer need to spend endless hours and days entertaining your kids. Welcome to Gilmore Sr. OSC!

After a fun filled summer, our team is looking forward to starting the school year off with a bang! We look forward to seeing all our familiar faces and we gladly welcome those who are new. If you have not had a chance to meet all the staff, please do not hesitate to say “Hello!” and introduce yourself. Our team has been and will continue to make their rounds on a daily basis, introducing them self.

On another note, in case your timing is a bit off, here is a friendly reminder of the important things that take place in our program:

  •  Breakfast is served daily from 7:00am-8:00am, hot breakfast is served Monday, Wednesday and Friday’s with regular breakfast being offered throughout the week as well. What is served for breakfast changes throughout the week as the leader’s try to provide the kids with some variety.

  •  Bus pick up times are as follows for the following schools and we request that your kid(s) be dropped off by the designated times, if they require transportation by us. If you miss the designated time, please drop off your kid(s) directly at school as the bus does only one pick up in the morning. If your child goes to Quilchena or Dixon; please arrive at Gilmore Sr. OSC no later than 8:00am.

  • If your child will NOT be coming to Gilmore Sr. OSC after school please remember to give us a call at: 604.272.3661. That is the direct line for our program and during off hours we have a voicemail available to you. Please leave us a clear and detailed message, otherwise there is a good chance we will be hassling you quite frequently until we know your kid(s) whereabouts, and we all know how annoying that can be!

These are just some just some of the reminders from Gilmore Sr. OSC, in the mean time we hope that you will join us in ushering in another awesome school year. We look forward to getting to know and/or catching up with everyone. If you have any questions please do not hesitate and let us know.



Sr Daycamp Summer Calendar

Sr Daycamp July 2013

Sr Daycamp August 2013


Come fly with us (and our kites) at Senior OSC

A few weeks ago six kids and myself, Katie, made Mini Diamond Kites! This is how we did it…

  1. Measure and cut out kite sail using scissors and card stock. Decorate.
  2. Glue three popsicle stick ends together, using hot glue, to span the width of the kite sail.  This is called the spar.
  3. Glue another three stick ends together to span the length of kite sail.  This is called the spine.
  4. Attach the two together into a cross using the hot glue.
  5. Cut two pipe cleaners in half.  Glue the middle of each pipe cleaner to each end of the cross.
  6. Twist the pipe cleaners around the popsicle stick ends.
  7. Use a hole puncher to make four holes, one in each corner of the sail.
  8. Put the pipe cleaners through the holes, open them up and make four loops.
  9. Tie a string horizontally from one loop to the other.
  10. Tie another string vertically, from the top loop going around the horizontal string and tie to the bottom loop.
  11. Tie the fly line to a coloured popsicle stick, then tie the free end to where the two strings cross.
  12. The tail should be six times the length of the kite sail.  Tie it to the bottom loop.

For materials we used:
  • Glue Guns and Glue Gun Sticks
  • 6 Popsicle sticks/kite
  • 1 Piece of card stock paper
  • Embroidery String
  • Ribbon
  • 1 Colourful popsicle stick
  • Colourful plastic string
  • Hole punchers
  • 2 Pipe cleaners
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick (optional)
  • Crayons, Pencil crayons, Markers etc.
