“Gifts To Give…Thoughts on Thankfulness" - FAS T/Th Class

To celebrate Thanksgiving, we decided to bake “Cranberry Tarts” with the children so they could create a treat to share with their family!  Before we began this experience, I sat down with all the children and explained that we would be working in groups of five to make these yummy gifts.   I also asked the children to start to think of things that they were thankful for so we could discuss it later.
Each group of children washed their hands and helped to stir the mixture of melted butter, brown sugar, white sugar, egg and corn syrup.  Then each child individually filled two tart shells with “5” cranberries.  These baking details supported their understanding of measuring, mixing and also counting.  Once each tart was filled, they were placed into the oven and we waited for them to finish baking.
When we all gathered in a circle once again, I asked the children “What are you thankful for?”  Some children offered these thoughts…”I am thankful for…”
Dayna:  “…for my babies”
Judy:  “…the playground”
Era:  “…for my baby”
Lalita:  “…the playground”
Iris:  “…my family and home
Loen:  “…my baby”
Jerome:  “…chasing bad guys”
Mia:  “…for the playground”
Joseph:  “…my mom; my guitar
Yusaf:  “…my home”

The variety of responses represented the children’s many life experiences and how they enjoy and embrace them.  Personally, I feel thankful for the many blessings in my own life and appreciate the opportunity to interact with your incredible children each week.
Teacher Lori Moore

Photos courtesy of Teacher Patricia
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