What are we exploring? Fine Arts & Science M/W/F PM Class

After exploring about pumpkins and more pumpkins, the children have now shown interest in a variety of animals.  We started our journey with farm animals and now have gone on to jungle animals.  They have been exploring the animal’s physical features, how they are similar and different and their habitat.  We have been categorizing in a manner where the children can visually grasp how to group them and trying to make it into a fun game.  This makes it easier for the children to associate similarities and differences of each animal.  By following the children’s interest it allows us to expand more on other areas of learning because we have captured their curiosity. 

While we are learning about a variety of animals, we also take the opportunity to learn about numbers, colours, words, social skills, creativity, drama, music, fine motor skills and gross motor skills.  We try to incorporate and tie in other aspects of developing the children while following their lead.  The children may not know it but they are absorbing, developing, practising and making sense of the information that their minds are taking in, all why playing and learning at the same time.

The other day, the children were absorbed in creating snakes during art when Evan decided he would like to print his name.  He then started tracing out his name and saying the letters of his name out loud.  It then caught the attention of Raunik, and Aikam, who decided they would like to also practise writing their names out too.  So, Jordan and I took their lead and started printing names. This is an example of how we took their interest and ran with it while it lasted.

I believe, our job, as educators is to provide materials, activities, and set the scene for the children to be able to engross them, intrigue them and captivate them into wanting to participate, wonder and have fun.

Until next time,


