Preparing our Garden Planters for the Fall with Ian - 4 Year old Class

We began the morning with a group discussion about Ian visiting our class to do some planting (in our planting boxes on the deck). The response from the children was mixed, with some children enthusiastic to get their hands into the dirt, using “real” garden tools and checking to see if there are “real” worms in the worm bin; whilst others not so sure if they even wanted to see the worm bin!!!

After a short introduction by Ian, we head onto the deck to begin loosening up the soil in the planters box, and looking at the lettuce that had been growing over the summer. We then transplanted the lettuce into another box so it would have room to grow. This the children did carefully, picking a spot in the box and making sure the lettuce is not planted to close together.

After washing our hands, Ian introduced the children to shelling beans, using fine motor skills, the children began the task of sorting beans to colors. Chloe found the beans to be “slippery” as she rubs them in her hand.

After shelling, counting and sorting the beans, the children make:

A Happy Face by Mia, who said “if you turn it upside down it is a sad face.”

Ava makes a pattern with the beans. 

Matthew made a line with the beans.


Here is what some of the children said they made:


Lily – Cat

Tiffany – Fireworks Monster

Taya – Fish

Cade  - Castle


The children transplanted the lettuce and thinned it out so it would have more room to grow.

Ian helping Tiffany squeeze the water out of bean which will then be ready to sprout in a few days

Ian explains to the children how to take care of the bean at home, once it is in a  plastic bag.
- Jess


Fine Arts & Science Class: Experiencing Fall

On Tuesday we explored Fall

We talked about the leaves changing colours

Touching  Pumpkins

Each child had a different opinion about the pumpkin -hard, smooth, has a smell

Apple Printing




WE were so excited about Fall, hopefully we will experience it together outside.


Thanks everybody for a great day,




4 Hour Class - We Say Goodbye, and We Say Hello!

Another week has flown by - and it brought a couple of special people with it!

We said "Hello" to our newest class mates and family members:

 Welcome Noa,

And Clayten!

And we said "Goodbye" to Big Blob!

But not before we played with him a few more times!

 A cookie for Dominic's mom

 A snail

 Dominic's new glove

Clayten made some donuts

But sadly, we must say goodbye...

Adam and Ella helped Yvette sweep the floor. 

Please don't worry, we are already plannning what the
next batch of space mud will look like!

And now for a glimpse of the past week:


This is currently on display on the board 

We will be using these to construct a classroom family tree


Cutting and gluing 

Clayten drew "letters and bugs and leaves" 

 Justin made a shark


Ashton is using a pom-pom and a sling shot to knock over the dixie cups 

Adam resets the dixie cups 




The tracks always start on the blue carpet... 

 ... and very quickly make their way around the room!

Various levels are used 

And everyone gets involved! 

Adam worked on this pyramid for quite a while - 
stacking it in all sorts of new and interesting ways! 

Matthew and Patricia read a book on the couch


 We talked about the letter "B"

 We generated TWO pages of "B" words!!!

And we started learning about money - 
We talked about the difference between coins and bills 

And began learning how much each coin and bill was worth -
Everyone seemed very interested, so we will continue with this topic next week!



 Dominic rides the scooter

 Bikes and cars

Matthew pushes Patricia in the blue car



We brought some toys out in the field 

Clayten made a nest 





We also spend alot of time on adventures 



Pumping Water 

Taking turns 

Working together 

What happens when we block the pipe with our hand? 

What happens when we take our hand away? 

What happens if we put something in the pipe? 



Figuring it out 


We found a string in the tree 

And it was VERY interesting and mysterious 

And of course, we climbed! 

Lots of spiders at the park today ;) 

Walking in a line 


Playing with our shadows 

This is a T-Rex


A special guest, named Mr. Lai, came in to talk to us about gardening. 
We harvested wheat which we then planted in our garden boxes and then we
helped shell beans - there was an amazing variety in the colours of the beans we shelled!

The wheat seeds were very tiny and took alot of concentration 

These are our garden boxes which live outside on the deck 

Gardening is dirty work 

So we lined up to wash our hands 

Mr. Lai showed us how to shell the beans 

And then we got to work 

Everyone helped out 

And we got to take a bean home after!

Thanks to everyone who helped make this week an extra special one! 

I hope the weather holds out again next week so we can have a few more 
dry adventures before the rain really sets in!!

Excited, as always,


Leaf Exploration - 3 Year old Class

This week in class, the children enjoyed a variety of experiences including puppet shows, sensory tray play, and space mud


At Circle Time we discussed Autumn Leaves, and went on a walk to collect and explore leaves, the variety of colours, textures, stages and the trees they grow on.

The children also enjoyed exploring freely with the leaves.


When asked how a Summer leaf compares to an Autumn leaf, some of the responses were:


Samual:  It feels crunchy and all dried up.


Taylor:    It’s scratchy.


Sofie:       It’s not soft.


Aneil:      This one is soft.


Claire:     I like the orange, and I like the yellow, and I like the red.


Exploration continued with leaf painting at the Art Table.



We're a Big Family!

Here's a glimpse of the past week in the 4 hour class:

Big Blob was back!

The Grocery Store

Last week there was lots of interest in the cash register which prompted the teachers 
to bring out the grocery store toys... Now I'm wondering if the children might be 
interested in learning about money... the value of the various bills and coins perhaps...? 

Adam fills his basket with fruits and vegetables 

Even Batman did a little shopping! 

Dominic checks out the light table

The children worked together to create a track to roll balls on 

It went all over the classroom! 

Even on the furniture! 

I was informed by Domenic, that this was called "the vegetable carrot slide"

We also talked about the letter "A" at circle time

A list of "A" words we generated

Adam even incorporated it into his art!

We also talked about autumn...

...which lead to the children wanting to talk about Halloween costumes. 
So naturally, we asked them: 

"What are you going to be for Halloween?"

Dominic - Captain America
Weston - A fireman again
Justin - Ninja Turtles
Ella - Dora
Domenic - Spiderman
Adam - A spaceman from Safeway
Matthew - Spiderman? No. Batman? No. Minnie Mouse? Yes, Ok.
Ashton - Obi-Wan Kenobe
Mayu - I don't know.


On Monday we put out a wide variety of things to paint with

Of course the children did alot of drawing too!

And on Friday we started a new, autumn-themed art project


Domenic and Weston found this truck... 

...and Ashton found treasure!

Story Time at Brighouse Library

On Wednesday we went to story time - we heard some great stories,
sang some songs and everyone got to choose one book to bring back
to school with us for our book shelf. We also got to check out the 
3D printer which was making all sorts of cool things!

Paulik Park

We were excited to get to see the pig that lives next to the park! 

Domenic helped clean up 

Mayu and Ella hiding under a tree 

We took a few moments to look at the leaves 

and watch them falling from the tree 

Mayu and Ella put a few leaves through the grate

A New Park

 We had to walk through this tree-tunnel to get to the new park

It was raining, and slippery, but we managed! 

There were lots of cool new things to climb on 

And swings!

As we were walking back to the bus everyone just started holding hands 

And Ashton said: 
"We're a big family!"

I think that this is a great example of how we are all settling into our school year together! We are all 
feeling comfortable with each other already - a few of the children have even called the teachers
"mom" or "auntie" from time to time :)

And our family tree is growing! We have a new friend in class, and this coming week there will be another new friend joing us as well!!

Thanks to the whole family for yet another fabulous week!

