Pumpkins and More - Fine Arts & Science Class

The Fine Arts and Science class went to our first field trip of the year- the Pumpkin Patch at Westham Island Herb Farm.  The children saw all sorts of pumpkins and gourds.

Off to the pumpkin field!

The pumpkin is heavy. I need both hands to lift it.


Some of the children liked the red pumpkins best!


A pumpkin big enough for a chair.


What is it?

What happened? Look at this! Are those seeds?
The children also met different animals that were on the farm.

The barn owl

Some cows that were on the barn

Bucky, a Scottish Highland Steer

Samson, the donkey

And some pygmy goats
The children enjoyed exploring the different variety of pumpkins and watching the animals. But most of all they had fun playing in the mud (good thing, we got our rain boots on)!

We are all looking forward to our next field trip! Have a safe and happy Halloween!
 Patricia & Joanne


Mason Bees and Worms with Ian Lai - 3 Year old class

We recently had another enjoyable visit by Ian Lai, who has done a number of gardening workshops with our preschoolers. This round it was our Three-Year Old Class that had the pleasure of having Ian teach them about Mason bees, and Red Wiggler Worms.


Female Mason bees gather pollen and nectar, but did you know Mason bees are solitary and make their own nests? No worker bees for this species! Nor do they produce nectar honey or beeswax. Bees hatch from their cocoons in the Spring. Males emerge first, and wait near the nest for the females. They mate and the males then die.


The children, armed with magnifying glasses examined the bees and were completely intrigued and asked many questions.... “Where do they sleep?” Do they have a family?” “Do they sting?” Ian had the appropriate answers to all questions asked.


The Red Wiggler worms convert organic matter (kitchen waste) into high quality humus, providing our garden with castings, a complete natural fertilizer.

Most children were very cautious initially, but after a short while were happy to hold a worm in the palm of their hand. Some wasted no time (see below) in picking up the worms. Again, many questions were asked. “Do they eat?” “Do they have mouths?” “Do they poo?” The answer to all those questions is yes! “Why are they so bendy?” Bees have no skeleton, but they do have muscles that allows them to wiggle and move around.


Hand washing is always important after working in the garden and with the worms. On a good day, the children will have lots of dirt under their fingernails!



4 Hour Class - Takin' it Easy!

Because of Thanksgiving weekend, this past week was short one.  And so the 4 hour class took it easy...

Here's what "Takin' it Easy" looks like to us :)

Free Play In Doors

Foam stacking, an old favourite, made an appearance 

This "Lock" puzzle puts Adam's skills to the test 

Weston makes peg board designs 

Clayten drew the sun 

Mayu weaves 

Adam built this Hippo House 

And Domenic found an interesting new way to use the wooden circles!

Circle Time

At circle time we learned about the letter "D" 

We practised drawing the letter on the carpet 

Here's a list of 'D' words that we came up with

We also broke into an impromptu dance party at second circle on Friday... 
this class LOVES music!

Free Art

This may be the most popular art project to date! 

 Clayten made a house for his turtle

Ella spent a long time trying to get her art just right 

SO creative! 

Justin chose to use pencil crayons - this was his final product

Of course we didn't take it SO easy that we wouldn't have time for exercise...

The Gym

We rode bikes 

Helped our friends 

Weston supervised traffic 

And Batman showed up - on his Bat-scooter!

We also did a relay race that involved walking with a ball between our knees 

It wasn't easy, but it sure was entertaining!!

And what would a week at school be without a field trip?

Ironwood Library

 We got on the bus

And went to story time 

Then we chose new books for our book shelf 

Everyone seemed pretty tired on Friday, so it was probably for the best that we kept a low profile this week! But if there's one thing I learned this week, it's that even if we take it easy, we still manage to have a ton of fun!!

Catch ya in the classroom,

4 Hour Class - So Much to be Thankful For!

Another week has passed us by, leaving us with so much to be thankful for!

Here's a peek into the past week:
Indoor Play

Clayten tips the scales with rocks 

 Justin pours little plastic starfish into the scale

 Weston counts and sorts wooden beads

Adam helps out 

This multi-layered fish puzzle proved to be quite challenging -
But that certainly didn't stop us from trying!  

Noa weaves 

Adam plays with the peg board 

Noa tests out which objects in the container are magnetic


Adam and Dominic had lots of fun with the animals 

Matthew shows me a tiger


Matthew created a dark cave for the tiger 
which we illuminated with an LED "fire"


Some new blocks were fun to stack up and knock down 

These wooden pieces were used to build santa's house... 

"Santa's house with a trampoline" 


We buried treasure in the sand 

Sifted through the sand to find treasure 

We shared 

and discovered 

We even made art out of the sand that had spilled on the table 

So creative!


We played with puppets in front of a mirror 


We made lanterns for the Lantern Festival 

Drawing on chalkboards at the free art table 

Cutting and gluing at the free art table 

Mayu and Ella show me what they made

Making Turkeys 

Ashton's Vampire Turkey - what makes it a vampire?
"Because it has more than two eyes" 

Justin's Vampire Turkey 

Everyone made a turkey except Dominic


Clayten and Noa helped to cut some apples 

Waiting while it heated up 

Weston was curious about what was happening 

So he helped mash everything together 

Then we tasted the sauce, and here's what the children had to say:

What did you think of the cranberry sauce?
Domenic - Good! Yummy!
Weston - Good
Ashton - Good
Justin - Delicious! (Ashton chimed in - Me too!)
Ella - Yummy and tasty!
Clayten - I want to make it yummier. Like I hate it. (But this was after he had added goldfish crackers and bits of cheese to his fifth helping of sauce)
Mayu - Good
Noa - Good
Matthew - No thank you
Adam - I didn't like it. I didn't want to try it cause I didn't like it.
Dominic didn't want to eat anything, not even his lunch.

and of course, the CASH REGISTER

Clayten was makin' it rain! 

Circle Time

This week we talked about where money comes from
Here's what the children had to say:

Where does money come from?
Justin - from a piggy bank
Domenic - the bank
Ashton - the store, every store
Clayten - two piggy banks
Adam - from the bank
Mayu - in my house
Weston - I don't have money
Matthew - Do you have money? No.
Noa - Do you have money? No.

What do you need money for?
Toys, cars, groceries, get clothes from the store, dinosaur eggs, phones, iPads, computers, water, lights.

We're hoping to talk more about working to earn money, and the concept that an apple costs significantly less than an iPad.

We talked about the letter "C" 

And came up with a pretty long list of "C" words 

We even worked on "CH" words 

We talked about what it means to be thankful and everyone who
made a turkey told me (or tried to tell me) what they were thankful for
Here's what they said: 

 We also came up for a name for one of the parks that was previously nameless

We decided to call it "Tree Tunnel Park"

Outdoor Play

The tree tunnel  






Over and under 

And then a Zombie showed up to play "Zombie Tag" 


We picked alot of flowers 

Justin gave me these 

Heading back to the bus 



Challenging ourselves 

Climbing, of course! 

And wouldn't you know it, that zombie showed up again! 


Weston helps me bring out the sand toys 

Clayten fills a bucket 

Domenic and Ashton work on a deep hole 

Justin joins them 

and so does Matthew


Playing with balls 

Looking at the vehicles in the parking lot 

Weston "cleans" this area 

Justin takes a quick break


A new friend 

and old friends :)

I am thankful for our family, for the way we play together and the imagination and creativity that we all bring to class everyday!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Preparing our Garden Planters for the Fall with Ian - 4 Year old Class

We began the morning with a group discussion about Ian visiting our class to do some planting (in our planting boxes on the deck). The response from the children was mixed, with some children enthusiastic to get their hands into the dirt, using “real” garden tools and checking to see if there are “real” worms in the worm bin; whilst others not so sure if they even wanted to see the worm bin!!!

After a short introduction by Ian, we head onto the deck to begin loosening up the soil in the planters box, and looking at the lettuce that had been growing over the summer. We then transplanted the lettuce into another box so it would have room to grow. This the children did carefully, picking a spot in the box and making sure the lettuce is not planted to close together.

After washing our hands, Ian introduced the children to shelling beans, using fine motor skills, the children began the task of sorting beans to colors. Chloe found the beans to be “slippery” as she rubs them in her hand.

After shelling, counting and sorting the beans, the children make:

A Happy Face by Mia, who said “if you turn it upside down it is a sad face.”

Ava makes a pattern with the beans. 

Matthew made a line with the beans.


Here is what some of the children said they made:


Lily – Cat

Tiffany – Fireworks Monster

Taya – Fish

Cade  - Castle


The children transplanted the lettuce and thinned it out so it would have more room to grow.

Ian helping Tiffany squeeze the water out of bean which will then be ready to sprout in a few days

Ian explains to the children how to take care of the bean at home, once it is in a  plastic bag.
- Jess
