Gotta Catch 'Em All: Pokemon Card Creations

Back when I was a kid, Pokemon was the most popular toy around. Still to this very day, they are a hit with kids all across the world. Most of the kids here at OSC have their own Pokemon cards, which they bring in to show off all the different kinds they have collected. There are over 500 Pokemon cards and trying to “catch them all” is Pokemon’s mission slogan.

Over at Senior OSC, Matt Hewitt led an activity using a simple website to create your very own Pokemon cards. I wanted every kid to have the opportunity to enjoy Pokemon cards like I did when I was their age, and that's the reason why I chose to do this activity. With the idea from Matt and the amount of interest in Pokemon at Jr. OSC, it sparked the idea of making everyone his or her very own card.

I started out by making a template where the kids would write out all the information about their Pokemon: the name, type, the animal it represented, health points, and their attacks. All we needed now was a picture of the Pokemon, which we had gotten from Google images. Using all the information gathered from the creative minds of the kids, I then plugged it in to the Pokemon card generating website and that was it!

Check out the new OSC edition Pokemon!

Here is the website we used if you wish to create your own!


Plane Good Fun

On a rainy Thursday afternoon at Jr OSC, the program was a little extra spacious with the Grade 2 children over at Sr OSC. This little extra space turned out to be the perfect proving ground for...PAPER AIRPLANES!

Kids and leaders alike got in on the action, experimenting with different designs, different paper, and even involving some straws. Emmett checked down the hall and discovered the rest of the second floor was empty. So we busted into the hallway for some nice lengthy runway.

conventional design

straw plane alternative

Some planes were made to fly fast and straight, while others were intended for tricks. As some parents came to pick up, some alertness was required, as planes were flying around the room till close. Fortunately, there were no human casualties - only aeronautic ones.

Until we buzz the tower again,


Attack of the Giant Snowballs

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When the weather dumps a foot of snow on the artificial turf, make giant snowballs!

We took full advantage of the snowy conditions on Friday afternoon. Jason, Dustin, Michael and a whack of kids marched out to the the field to confront the giant balls of snow that the high school kids must have rolled up. The balls were already taller than the children, but that wasn't big enough! So we rolled them until they were challenging for even the the leaders to climb onto.

The children also made new giant snowballs of their own. Then the idea was hatched to roll the balls next to one another, to create a sort of staircase, but that wasn't good enough! So we rolled the giant snow balls into a ring formation, creating a snow fort. Some children worked hard at reinforcing the walls and filling the gaps, while others immediately preoccupied themselves with climbing upon the walls.

The leaders had a blast. And we know the kids had a blast because of the complaints we heard when we had to head inside.

Until the next epic snowfall,


Have flooding? Build boats!

We already pride ourselves on not allowing the weather to stop us from playing outside. But with a playground half flooded by the current deluge, it was time to step up our game.

There were mini lakes everywhere we turned. Lake in the sandpit. Lake in the pathway. Lake under the swings. Lake under the pole and under the slide. Even lakes around the drainage grates that could take no more water.

Enter Inspiration.


Dustin quickly ran upstairs to gather supplies. Aluminum foil, some popsicle sticks and some tape. The equation turned out to be simple. 3 materials + imagination = the best hour in the playground this week.

Various boat designs were created and tested by the children. Flat shapes, standard canoe shapes, box shapes, and even ball shapes were attempted. Sarah A showed off her origami skills with her precise folds.

Once the boats were launched, brooms were brought out to create waves and current. Some of us even tried blowing with our mouths to sail the ships. Some were brave enough to sail their ships down the slide. Some were adventurous enough to drop their boats from the top of the pole.

Many returned to the supplies to refine or replace their designs. Some got the idea to use the popsicle sticks as the passengers. And some found out, the hard way, that gumboots are not impervious to splashing around in really deep water.

Until the next flood,


Shift into Game Mode

Since Winter Break, a new board game has appeared at Jr OSC...
It has struck the interest of children and leaders alike...
It involves a twist on a classic...
A twist that forces players to predict the future...


Anyone catch the problem with this implied move on the game box?

While doing some purging at home, Dustin unearthed this hidden treasure. First produced in 1988, Shift Tac Toe does not appear to be in production anymore. However, a quick web search reveals that "new" and used copies of the game are available for purchase for as much as $50 plus shipping.

The rules to the game are simple, but the consequences are not. On your turn, you must decide to either drop a piece or shift a row one space. A shift may result in pieces sliding over, a piece dropping out of play, or pieces dropping down - or all three events may occur from a single shift! First player to get three in a row wins.

The game forces players to think about the consequences of their actions, intended or otherwise. New players will often shift without proper forethought, giving an easy victory to their opponent. Even worse, players occasionally shift their opponents directly into a win!

Mastery of the game by any one person has yet to be achieved. Even Dustin, the most experienced player, attempted to hold court for a long string of consecutive wins, but was easily dethroned after a handful of matches.

Enough with this blog - time to shift into game mode!
