West Richmond Preschool

Thank you for your interest in our preschool.  West Richmond Preschool is a fully licensed school that is part of the West Richmond Community Association.  We are dedicated to providing quality preschool programs to the residents of Richmond.

Our program is a Reggio inspired, play based program that provides children the opportunity to develop their skills in all areas.  We believe children learn through interacting with others and experimenting with different mediums.  Our environment allows children to explore the world around them in a safe and predictable setting.  Children are encouraged to be independent, make choices and tap into their own style of learning.  As children all learn differently, we strive to work with each child as an individual while guiding them to work responsibly in a group setting.

We recognize the diversity and uniqueness of each child and their family.  We honour each child as a unique, competent and capable individual.  We are committed to offering an environment they can explore in collaborative ways.

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