"Find me Something..."

Hey Friends,

I wanted to share our experience from one of the art activities we tried this week at Sr. OSC called "Find me something..." . It was a lot of fun and here's how it went down. 

First thing we did was distribute to each group an empty bucket and a scavenger list of things to find from outside. Once we headed out into the beautiful sunshine, the hunt was a foot. Teams had 15 minutes to try and gather as many of the items from the list as possible.

Once the time was up we headed back inside where the real creative fun began. Using the gathered materials from outside, and with the help of a bit of coloured play-dough, the teams were challenged to create a one of a kind art piece and come up with a story/explanation of their work. It was fascinating to see what the three groups came up with! There was no specific theme to follow, so it really allowed the children to get imaginative. The final products are depicted below.

Overall I believe the activity went really well and it was a great chance to get outside while we still have nice weather. The final creations were awesome, but what was also really cool was being able to watch the process; from gathering the materials, coming up with ideas, implementing their plans and creating their stories.

Keep coming back to check out what other cool things are happening at Sr. OSC.

Take care,
