Pink Shirt Day

On Wednesday February 22,  we celebrated Pink Shirt Day! It was a blast seeing all of the colourful clothing and accessories– from pink socks to pink bandanas! But my favourite was seeing all of the t-shirts from over the years.  They helped to remind us of what Pink Shirt Day is all about!

All together, we played different games and activities in order to understand what makes a safe space.  When we see bullying, it’s important that we tell an adult and stand with the victim so that they know that they are not alone.  In OSC everyone is welcome, and we make sure that every child feels safe when they walk through our doors.  It’s not just the adults that create this space– the kids also take the lead in creating an inclusive environment.

We ended our Pink Shirt Day activities by breaking into groups and creating presentations based around key words.  Our goal wasn’t to focus on the act of bullying, but instead to work towards the things that make a safe and inclusive space.  While we don’t always know what to do in difficult situations, having that space allows the kids work together to resolve any issues.  It’s truly inspiring work when many of the solutions come from the children themselves!



Playdough Fun

Happy February Senior OSC!

The snow has melted away thanks to the power of love this February. Finally the sun is peeking out and we can all get outside and play! We've had a fantastic week at OSC with Valentines day and the art festival, it was awesome to see the kids expressing their inner spirit animals with the amazing face paint from their school field trips to a local art festival!

Last Wednesday Matt took the kids back to preschool with a super fun make your own playdough scavenger hunt! After the kids found all the ingredients and got their hands covered in the sticky squishy dough they played a game of play dough pictionary! Its always nice to see that even though the kids are growing up they can still get in touch with their inner preschooler and enjoy the little things! Have a fantastic weekend, enjoy the amazing weather!



Pete, the Pint-Sized Pirate - A Sneak Peak

Brianna here.  As many of you have probably heard, SR OSC is producing a stage play and I managed to get backstage of a rehearsal for some sneak peaks. Actors and stage crew are dedicating two afternoons a week to these rehearsals led by director, Senior OSC supervisor Carolyn. 

Inside sources say the play is “weird and hilarious”.  Even though the director makes the actors repeat their lines “a thousand times”, everyone is excited to see the play succeed. Take a look at the insider photos below, and I hope to see you all on March 1st at 4 pm for the final production (admission by food bank donation).

Sneaking Backstage

Waiting for their Cues
Director giving stage direction
Understudy stepping in
Running lines with the director
Rehearsing Scene 3

Running lines "a thousand times"
Checking out the costumes

Props department hard at work
The Pip Squeak: Sailing in on March 1st


Taking Advantage of the Weather

Good Afternoon friends,

Another day at OSC, the cold wintery days have decided to leave us and the warm spring weathers are beginning to make its appearance. Last week, the weather was clear and sunny. On Tuesday, Brianna had organized an exciting game of Capture the Flags in the beautiful weather that is showing itself once again. Unlike any of the traditional Capture the Flags game one may have played, this version allowed the kids to enable their creativity, thinking outside the box and problem solving skills. The children had to think outside the box to find a place to keep their noodle-shaped flags. The most creative spot was one that was placed at the top of the swing set.

How to play Capture the Flags(simplified):

1.    Choose playing field: field, playgrounds, gym

2.    List of Materials(can be improvised): flags, pinnies, cones, hula hoops

3.    Number of Players: recommended 15-20+

4.    Divide the players into two balanced co-ed teams

5.    Introduce the rules: the boundaries, flag zones/placements, how to successfully capture the flag, tagging opponents, what happens after being tagged

6.    Assigning teams a side of the playing field

7.    Let the games begin!

The children had an enjoyable afternoon roaming around in the outdoor environment. Not only did they enjoy themselves, their competitiveness created an intense atmosphere making the game rather interesting to watch.

During the game, one of the most nail-biting moment was when both teams were tied at a stalemate; with one flag left each to capture; the team by the far playground had Andrew, Alarii and Aidan on the offence and the team on the small playground by the swing set that had Emily, Macy and Anette on defence. Neither team had made a move, as each player on their team was waiting for the right moment to make that superb play to save the day. As time got closer to the end of the game; Andrew, who was sitting on the swing, made a bold dash for the last flag and within seconds, he had the flag in his hand and had set himself apart from the players on the other team. Glancing into the field, all that could be seen was this image with six or seven other children behind him. As he crossed that boundary on his teams’ side; the game had officially ended. What a game!

Capture the Flag, was an activity that encouraged the kids to stay active and fit in a world that is heavily dependant on modern day technology. There are many lessons that could be learned that afternoon however, the most important message to walk away with was that with the mentality of endless pursuit, one can accomplish anything in life.

Until Next Time,

Kevin W


Our visit to Terra Nova

Greeting all,

I want to take a moment to share our adventure with you from last Wednesday. Once a month our Sr. OSC program offers an afternoon out-trip somewhere within our local community. This month's trip was to Terra Nova Adventure Playground. It was a pleasant afternoon full of exploration and fun, and despite a few clouds, it was a blast! 

"Climbing trees is fun... 'wooden' you think?"
"The water is that-a-way..."

"I gotta sneeze, I gotta sneeze..."


"Did you hear the joke about the kid having mood-swings?"

If you're looking to join us on the next out-trip, look for our sign-up sheet located beside our sign-in binder.

*All out-trip sign-up sheets go out one week prior to the trip!

That's all for now,
