Fun in Time For Twos

Now that we've hit the 2 month mark the Twos have really started to settle into our program.  Every day they make new discoveries and overcome challenges and I truly enjoy seeing their growth. Sometimes it's as simple as being handed a toy and being invited to 'bake' in their kitchen.  Our class loves exploring the new activity areas we create for them each week.  My favorite area of the room is the sensory section.

Each week we bring out various touch stations and let everyone explore.  Recently we added water to the mix.
It was exciting to see the initial hesitation turn into pure delight as each child explored the water in their own way.

Another awesome part of being 2 months in is the routines that have developed.  Once all of our class has arrived we have formed a routine of morning circle.  We use this time to greet everyone and sing a few songs.  A fan favorite is "Icky Sticky Bubblegum."  It's a wonderful song that uses our imagination in every part of the song.

After a morning spent exploring our classroom I personally enjoy finding ways to run around and expel some extra energy.  My favorite way to do this is to take the class outside whenever the weather allows for it.  The twos really enjoy the 'blue park' as we call it.  They love the slide, after we dry it off, the swings and the teeter totter. The routine of lining up and heading back upstairs is becoming second nature to them.

It's wonderful to see their growth in everything that we do each and every Tuesday and Thursday.

Until next time,



October in our Time For Two's Program

It’s already October. Our children are getting adjusted to our classroom. I see that our children are getting very engaged in toys, books, and art. We would like to show you our routines and what we have been doing in the classroom.

We are having fun while learning during free play. We noticed the children are beginning to share and take turns. I noticed our children are enjoying music. They love to move and dance.


We enjoyed doing circle and singing our songs. One of the songs is B-I-N-G-O.


We have been doing art for Thanksgiving. We glued eyes and feathers on our turkeys.

Children are learning how to wash their hands and sitting at snack table with all their friends.

We started to go down to the gym for gross motor activities. Children are enjoying holding and exploring all types of balls. We are throwing the balls up in the sky, passing the balls, and bouncing them.


Until next time,




Springtime in Two's Time!

It was so nice to see all of our friends after Spring Break! It was exciting to see them all happy to be back in Two’s Time!

The children all remembered how to find their names as they entered class, and many of them are now interested in learning how to recognize their friends’ names as well!

At circle time, we introduced the game “Little Mouse Little Mouse”. The children have to guess which coloured house the little mouse is hiding behind, and they were all engaged and eager to help each other guess.

After circle, the children continued to explore the little mouse and his house!

As Mother’s Day is approaching, we are enjoying creating beautiful gifts while having lots of fun with paint! They kids have been working very hard, and are looking forward to sharing their presents with you!


 Free play with each other is a large component of our day. Here are some photos of the children exploring the room.


At the end of the day, we like to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine in the playground. Some favourite parts of the playground are climbing the steps, the slide, the swings, and racing the horses!


We really enjoy seeing your kids growing with us!

Until next time,


PLAYing is what we do best!

Children’s understanding of the world is reflected in their play. It is through play that they get to express their knowledge of concepts and explore new ideas. Children’s work is play.  Let’s see the children’s “work”:
BUILDing a tower


DRIVing the train
WASHing the fruits and vegetables
WAITing for the toast
KEEPing the food in the refrigerator
PAINTing the sliding door
GETting some ice cream
BUYing some groceries
Children love to use their imagination when playing.  They like to do a lot of pretend play.
As educators, we need to nurture that imagination by providing them with materials they could use and by engaging in conversations. It is through keeping that imagination alive that will let children be children.
Until next time,



Welcome Back Time for Twos

Time has passed so fast! I cannot believe that it is mid-January and we are back to our new semester. Our children are growing so fast and working so hard to learn the class routine.

I would like to show you our daily routine:

First, we sing our gathering song “The More We Get Together”. We even use sign language for the song. During circle, we often receive song requests, for example, “The Wheels on the Bus”, “The Alphabet Song”, and many more.

After circle, we have free play. The children play with cars, work on puzzles, read books, and create art. We are learning how to use our words and how to share between friends.

We enjoy sitting down and having snacks with our friends. Don’t forget, we have to wash our hands before we enjoy our delicious food! J.

For the last 20 minutes of class, we work on our gross motor skills. We like to go to the gym to play with balls, and to work on our running and jumping skills. If the weather is nice, we will go play at the playground.

I have to say that our children are so capable! They are happily learning new skills, engaging with their peers and teachers, and creating beautiful friendships.

Until next time,

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