Things That Go - FAS Tues/Thurs Class

At the art table the children were provided with different colored tissue, sparkles, black circles, paper plates and paint. They were able to make any type of vehicle they wanted.

Chloe made a train that has lots of wheels.
Sarah made a car that has an extra tire just in case you need another one.

Yasmine made a sparkly car for a princess.
Rea made a school bus with three windows.

 Alessandria made a fire truck.
Check out the hallway for more artwork of things that go!
Until next time,




The Positive Power of Friends at Play - FAS Tues/Thurs Class

As a Childhood Educator it is always rewarding to see the boys and girls individually learn through their exploration of experiences provided here at preschool.

However, I am equally amazed to watch the children creatively interact as their play become more imaginative and socially involved.

I have seen most of their classroom time move from parallel play to cooperative collaboration, showing great growth in valuable social skills such as sharing, turn taking and verbal negotiation, to name a few.

It is also incredible to see young children demonstrate compassion for each other in tangible ways such as retrieving a tissue for another friend, helping another child put on their jacket or helping to open or close a container at the group snack table.

These days of early learning alongside other children creates a firm foundation for enduring friendships and the first of many more opportunities for increased social experiences.

Until next time,




Rainbow Masterpiece - 4 Hour Class

We changed things at the art table today. No chairs and no individual art. Everyone was able to move and put color wherever they want.

At first everyone wanted to have his or her own white space to color. The children just stuck to their “own area”.
Lucas enjoyed using two eyedroppers simultaneously. He carefully watched as the two colors mixed on the paper towel. When he saw blue and green mixing, he said, “Looks like the earth”.

Keira tried Lucas’s method of using two eyedroppers but with different colors. She mixed the red and the blue. Keira said she was trying to make purple that is why she used the red and blue.
Sofia and Lucas helped each other make “rainbow earth”.
Other children came to the art table as well and helped color the paper towel. They were very determined to color everything and see no white.

It is each child’s small piece in this artwork that helped make the big picture. Piece by piece the children made this rainbow masterpiece.

Until next time,





Heart / Xīn (Mandarin Fun for Preschoolers)

With the celebration of Valentine’s Day this month, it was relevant for the children                            
to learn the Mandarin word for heart, which is xīn. The children explored their environment that gave them the opportunity to practice saying heart in Mandarin. For children, repetition and children directed activities are key to learning.

Katie and Caitlyn enjoyed making heart shaped cookies.

Sara decorated her xīn with hóng sè (red), huáng sè (yellow), zǐ sè  (purple) and lán sè (blue).

Jaslynn liked stamping and seeing the different designs on the paper.

Chloe pretended that the hóngxīn (red hearts) were gummies.
With Valentine’s Day coming up, do not forget to tell your loved ones

Until next time,






Allowing Children To Get Dirty - 3 Year Old and 4 Year Old classes

Often parents seem to worry their children might get their clothes dirty, or that they may become ill because of the dirt. As a result, outdoor play is frequently limited.

In fact, allowing children to get physical with the “dirty” outside world is good for them.

The immune system is designed to build up a defence against bacteria and viruses.... but it needs to be conditioned. In order to recognize harmful germs, it needs to come into contact with germs. This is when antibodies are created. When the time comes, the child who has been exposed to harmful germs will be less susceptible to becoming ill.

Your child also needs to be active, run around and feel happy playing outside. Worrying about stains will make the child feel too wary about activities that make him happy. You can't replace that happiness with clean clothes, or with indoor inactive activities.

As well, children need to explore and discover the world. Exploration fuels the imagination and creates lifelong memories. Memories that the child will tap into the rest of his life. Not to mention the creativity, social and physical skills that are nurtured through exploration.

So, let your child get out and get dirty! :)


 A puddle in the sandbox drew loads of creative play, socializing and language,
problem solving and FUN!!


